Friday, March 04, 2005

A Tribute to Christina

My sister Christina turned 12 today! We shared a great family time talking at the table after her birthday dinner about her early moments of life. My mom touching her for a moment before she was wisked away to the NICU to stay in a plastic incubator until after a couple of weeks she could move into a regular hospital room and finally home.

She is an inspiration to live with and an inspiration to so many people that meet her. Never ever letting her physical struggles deter her from doing what she wants, she has a powerful spirit about her that makes me think. I had surgery a couple of times and remember how painful that was. She has had many surgeries relating to her premature birth. In fact, she's preparing for another one now. Recently, she's received Botox to relax her leg muscles then gets the leg casted into a stretched position, a procedure that's very painful for her to go through.

Your courage is motivating and uplifting, and your love of God is humbling. Christina, I love you and thank you for all the lessons you have taught me.


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