Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Participatory Sports

While bowling tonight, I came to a couple of realizations.
  • Bowling was really popular years ago.
  • Bowling is still really popular, with people of all ages.
  • I'm not very good at bowling.
Bowling was certainly very popular back in the day, but today, it still outpaces participatory sports like bicycling, football, soccer, and even - get this - archery. Swimming, walking, and golf did edge out bowling, but it's still noteworthy for the 21st century. Read it for yourself here. Canadian, I know, but we're still human beings.

So while this sport is oh-so-popular, I seem to be horrible at the sport and feeling fine about it. I'm into downhill skiing and chewing gum. Not throwing a heavy round thing with holes at pins in an alley. To compound it, I knew at least 30 people at the bowling alley and was able to share in my lackluster performance with all of them.

Tomorrow I leave for a week of skiing where I can feel good about my athletic abilities and will be making another DVD to remember.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Today, I documented our company's equipment and property with digital pictures and video, the whole time thinking to myself about insurance fraud. I was considering, "if I just film this side of the truck, you'd never notice the tailgate was bent...." But really, people must do that all the time. If was really smart, I'd just leave it at our paper listing of assets and not even film it. All things considered, though, a DVD will paint a much more convincing picture of ownership and valuation.

I just hope that I'll never have to use any of the materials I'm putting together. Thinking of things I need to do, I need to get cracking on re-vamping our company's website. The boss is skiing this week, and I'm the second string quarterback.... Yup, website is a high priority this week.


Monday, December 20, 2004

Welcome to City Trees

The christening post!

Thanks for checking this out. Stay tuned for chats, rants, raves, blasts, and essays on trees, music, business, the Web, family, God (just raves), and plenty more. With so much to say, I'll stop the intro!
